Our Approach
We here at Christian Legacies aren’t about forcing a particular theology on anyone, but we do like to discuss theological topics in depth for study. The bottom line is Jesus is the Lord and we love our Savior. We hope this website serves His kingdom and brings people to a greater understanding of what being a Christian is all about. We realize that we don’t know all there is to know, and we may get some things wrong. We are open to criticism especially if it helps us reach the truth.
Our Story
Is still being written. Christian Legacies existed before for over 10 years. There was a short lapse, but now it is reborn with a greater purpose in mind. God will be served by this website. God will be glorified by this website. Christians will learn and grow from this website. Somebody somewhere needs a blessing, and hopefully Christian Legacies can help them find it.
Meet the Team
Donald Baker — founder of Christian-Legacies.com
If you are reading this blog, you are part of the team. The team includes everyone who wishes to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Everyone has a role to play. There are seeds to plant, souls to win, and victories to be won. Welcome aboard the winning team! How do we know we are on the winning team? We read the last book of the Bible that’s how.